Popular Marcus Garvey Quotes

Marcus Garvey Quotes was a speaker for the Black Nationalism and Pan-Africanism developments, to which end he established the Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League. Garvey propelled a Pan-African way of thinking which enlivened a worldwide mass development, known as Garveyism. Garveyism would inevitably rouse others, from the Nation of Islam to the Rastafari development. Marcus Garvey Quotes on History Marcus Mosiah Garvey was the remainder of 11 youngsters destined to Marcus Garvey, Sr. also, Sarah Jane Richards. His dad was a stone bricklayer, and his mom a residential laborer and rancher. Garvey, Sr. was an incredible effect on Marcus, who once portrayed him as “extreme, firm, decided, intense, and solid, declining to yield even to predominant powers on the off chance that he accepted he was correct.”

His dad was known to have a huge library, where youthful Garvey figured out how to peruse. While working in the print shop, Garvey ended up engaged with the worker’s organization for print tradesmen in Kingston. This work would make way for his activism further down the road. His slipshod business techniques, in any case, and his teaching of racial immaculateness and nonconformity Marcus Garvey Quotes on Race he even affirmed of the white bigot Ku Klux Klan since it tried to isolate the races brought him harsh adversaries among built up dark pioneers, including work pioneer A. Marcus Garvey Quotes on Humanity Philip Randolph and W.E.B. Du Bois, leader of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). Garvey’s impact declined quickly when he and other UNIA individuals were arraigned for mail misrepresentation in 1922 regarding the clearance of stock for the Black Star Line. He served two years of a five-year jail term, yet in 1927 his sentence was driven by Pres. Calvin Coolidge, and he was expelled as an unwanted outsider. He was always unable to restore the development abroad, and he passed on in virtual lack of definition.

Marcus Garvey Quotes Marcus Garvey Quotes on Education

It is by education that we become prepared for our duties and responsibilities in life. If one is badly educated, he must naturally fail in the proper assumption and practice of his duties and responsibilities.

To see your enemy and know him is a part of the complete education of man.

A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots

Marcus Garvey Quotes on Fear

If you have no confidence in self, you are twice defeated in the race of life.

Marcus Garvey Quotes on Confidence

If you have no confidence in self, you are twice defeated in the race of life.

With confidence, you have won before you have started.

Marcus Garvey Quotes on Leadership

Real men laugh at opposition; real men smile when enemies appear.

Marcus Garvey Quotes on Ambition

Among some of the organized methods used to control the world is the thing known and called PROPAGANDA. Propaganda has done more to defeat the good intentions of races and nations than even open warfare. Propaganda is a method or medium used by organized peoples to convert others against their will. We of the Negro race are suffering more than any other race in the world from propaganda… propaganda to destroy our hopes, our ambitions and our confidence in self.

Ambition is the desire to go forward and improve one’s condition. It is a burning flame that lights up the life of the individual and makes him see himself in another state. To be ambitious is to be great in mind and soul. To want that which is worthwhile and strive for it. To go on without looking back, reaching to that which gives satisfaction.

Lift up yourselves, men, take yourselves out of the mire and hitch your hopes to the very stars themselves. Let no man pull you down, let no man destroy your ambition, because man is but your companion, your equal; man is your brother; he is not your Lord, he is not your sovereign master.

Marcus Garvey Quotes on Race

If you have no confidence in self, you are twice defeated in the race of life.

Every man has a right to his own opinion. Every race has a right to its own action; therefore, let no man persuade you against your will, let no other race influence you against your own.

Africa with 400 million Black People can do it. If you cannot do it, if you are not prepared to do it then you will DIE. You race of cowards, you race of imbeciles, you race of good for-nothings, if you cannot do what other men have done, what other nations have done, what other races have done, THEN YOU HAD BETTER DIE.

A race that is solely dependent upon another for economic existence sooner or later dies. As we have in the past been living upon the mercies shown by others, and by the chances obtainable, and have suffered there from, so we will in the future suffer if an effort is not made now to adjust our own affairs.

Marcus Garvey Quotes on Culture

No race has the last word on culture and on civilization. You do not know what the black man is capable of; you do not know what he is thinking and therefore you do not know what the oppressed and suppressed Negro, by virtue of his condition and circumstance, may give to the world as a surprise.

A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots.

We are not engaged in domestic politics, in church building or in social uplift work, but we are engaged in nation building.

The whole world is run on bluff. No race, no nation, no man has any divine right to take advantage of others. Why allow the other fellow to bluff you?

Marcus Garvey Quotes on History

The history of a movement, the history of a nation, the history of a race is the guide-post of that movement’s destiny, that nation’s destiny, that race’s destiny.

History teaches us no race, no people, no nation has ever been freed through cowardice, through cringing, through bowing and scraping, but all that has been achieved to the glory of mankind, to the glory and honour of races and nations was through the manly determination and effort of those who lead and those who are led.

At no time within the last five-hundred years can one point to a single instance of the Negro as a race of haters.

History is the land-mark by which we are directed into the true course of life.

Marcus Garvey Quotes on Humanity

I pray God that we shall never use our physical prowess to oppress the human race, but we will use our strength, physically, morally and otherwise to preserve humanity and civilization.

Progress is the attraction that moves humanity.

There is no humanity before that which starts with yourself.

Marcus Garvey Quotes on Success

Our success educationally, industrially and politically is based upon the protection of a nation founded by ourselves. And the nation can be nowhere else but in Africa.

With confidence, you have won before you have started

Marcus Garvey Quotes on Intelligence

Intelligence rules the world, ignorance carries the burden.

Never forget that intelligence rules the world and ignorance carries the burden. Therefore, remove yourself as far as possible from ignorance and seek as far as possible to be intelligent.

Marcus Garvey Quotes on Reading

A reading man and woman is a ready man and woman, but a writing man and woman is exact.

Marcus Garvey Quotes about Roots

A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots.

Marcus Garvey Quotes on Desire

Behind the murder of millions of Negroes annually in Africa is the well-organized system of exploitation by the alien intruders who desire to rob Africa of every bit of its wealth for the satisfaction of their race and the upkeep of their bankrupt European countries.

I have no desire to take all black people back to Africa; there are blacks who are no good here and will likewise be no good there.

God does not… give people positions or jobs or… good conditions such as they desire; they must do that for themselves. God does not build cities nor towns nor nations, nor homes, nor factories; men and people do that and all those who want must work for themselves and pray to God to give them strength to do it.

Ambition is the desire to go forward and improve one’s condition. It is a burning flame that lights up the life of the individual and makes him see himself in another state. To be ambitious is to be great in mind and soul. To want that which is worthwhile and strive for it. To go on without looking back, reaching to that which gives satisfaction.

Negro producers, Negro distributors, Negro consumers! The world of Negroes can be self-contained. We desire earnestly to deal with the rest of the world, but if the rest of the world desire not, we seek not.


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